They get paid for posting info and links regardless of how long it stays up and viable. The more they post the more they make. A bot can create the account and create a post very quickly and with little effort.
On other sites where I'm an admin about 90% automatically go into moderation for review where we ban and spam clean them before ever reaching public view so it's curious why these spammers keep trying since most of their posts fail to reach an audience.
The cold is back and keeping me out of the shop, so I'm trying my hand at leather working. First project was a holder for my engineer's square for my shop apron. Lots of lessons learned but it seems functional. Similar to woodworking, I'm figuring out a lot skill is in the finishing touches. I attached it with velcro so I can upgrade/replace as I figure out what I'm doing. For my next project, TBD, I want to try for a better-looking saddle stitch.