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So funny story, well now it is.

For my birthday I was able to convince my wife to allow me to buy my first dust collector. It took a while to convince her that I needed "another vacuum"!

Yes hun its a wood thing!

So I ordered a jet dc1100, of course it was back ordered for about a month. I finally got the call from my local woodcraft store (well local i mean 1 hour away) that my collector was in. I eagerly removed everything from the boxes, just to check it out. I was so busy with work that I wasn't able to assemble it until 2 weeks later. As I was going through the directions, I noticed that I was missing the last bag of parts. I looked everywhere!

The amount of grief that swelled up with the idea of telling my wife that I had lost a bunch of parts for my new "vacuum" was unbearable.

I had to wait till monday to call Jet.

when the call finally went through...."yes Don I'm sorry, but that manual should have never been sent to you" What ? " The instructions you have are for a future improvement we are planning". So it'll work as is, and all of that hair loss was for nothing?

I immediately called my wife "See I wasn't crazy, I didn't lose any parts" Ahh redemption!

So look forward for a jet dust collector upgrade coming this summer, the addition of a cone assemble!

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