Tongue drum tuning


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I'm not a musician so I'm way out in the deep end here.  I was mainly interested in playing with the form of it, as they are usually just boring boxes.  The time has come to tune it and I went through a lot of experimentation on how to size the bars to actually get a decent note out of it.  I have somewhat of a handle on that now but I know next to nothing about music theory.  I have 16 bars to work with.  I tuned one side to D3 (D E F# G A B C#), skipping the short bar between D and E.  It would have been better to have the higher notes at this end but the shape of the bars only allowed for the opposite.  I could tune that short bar to D4 but I don't know if that makes any sense.  What do I do with the other side?  I can go a little higher than the C# but not too much.  It's easier to bring them down than up.  I was thinking about just going up a major third to make it easy to play a chord by playing the two sides together but that's kind of a waste as it would just repeat most of the same notes.  G minor doesn't have too much overlap with D major and I think i can get high enough for that so that's my fall back plan.


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