Logs for milling slabs... questions

Bobby Slack

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Hey guys. I have access to a sawmill in Colorado where I am going to mill slabs for my own use.


Is there a law about transporting wet wood between states?


Since my area is so dry I am going to air dry this timber.


Any ideas?


I will take care of the transportation of course.



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Thank you so much for helping. I found that there is something called the EAB Border Which is the Emerald Ash Border. http://www.emeraldashborer.info/#sthash.mVY0HaFj.dpbs

Also since I am going to dry and may be process this in Colorado I did a quick search "importing wood to colorado" and got this site http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/ag_Plants/CBON/1251623388715

So there you have it. Doing a little bit of homework.



Bobby, the best source for that sort of information is going to be from your DOT and Agricultural Departments. Some states are funny about bringing certain plants, fruits, etc. into their state, so you'll have to check with each one that is involved.

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