Shop Overhaul but where to put the lumber????


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Ok I pretty much spent all day in my shop (i.e. basement), except for the first part of the day that was spent at the local sawmill loading lumber into my traler. My wife wants me to make a Garden Bench, so I went and got my lumber for the job. It is mostly pine since she is wanting to paint it, but I did get some hardwoods for myself. Anyway, when I got home I realixed that since I have only done very small projects before, I have no place to store all of this lumber. I should also add that since my sawmill owner knows that I am knew to woodworking, he saved all of his peices that he could not sale for me to practice with and these pieces cover half of my trailer bottom. Ao, when I got home I needed to clear out a spoke for my new purchased lumber. After about ten minutes of scratching my head, I decided to go ahead and take the plung into a total shop overhaul. I started the day with four work benches (one I just and three that was where I just put stuff), and I now have two. I completely dismanteled the others and added them to the pile of lumber that I needed to store. PROBLEM IS GROWING. After doing this I rearranged everything else and I now have SOOO much more room, and I do not miss the other workbenches. However, I still have a LARGE pile of wook in the basement floor. I had planned on building a vertical box to slide my sheets of plywood in, and build the lumber rack that I have seen which are buit with one sheet of plywood. If anyone knows how this rack system works please let me know. I am curious to know how sturdy it is. ALSO, if anyone has a better idea of how to get the lumber up off of the floor and onto a the wall, please let me know. I like the "cleat" system that is on the above mentioned system, again I just do not know how sturdy it is.

Thanks for your help.


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Worse case, you could stack and sticker the wood outside and cover with a tarp. Finish your shop overhaul. Take in as much wood as you need for a project and let it acclimate for a couple days/a week (depends on the difference between the outdoors and indoors). Not the best idea, I suppose, but it's highly likely all that wood was stacked and stickered at the mill just before you bought it.

Keep after the overhaul. The last one I had in my shop freed up a 10'x12' open space in the middle. It'll be bigger once I use up the "next project" stack of wood sitting on a pair of furniture movers (perhaps making moving the pile convenient is the reason the pile's project doesn't get bumped up in priority... have to think about that).

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