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Two things about flash I feel the need to chime in on,


2. Flash and JavaScript, need not be a black hole for users who don't have them. check out this page on my blog. If you don't have JavaScript or Flash enabled, you get a message telling you that you need to have them to view a chunk of content. Any competent web developer can set this up for you, and it can be as simple or as complicated as you like.

From an average non-technical end user experience point of view "if I have to install something to see a website, or if I can't view the content on my iPhone, then I won't be hanging around regardless if it's a big black hole or a text banner that says I need flash to view the content."

Good discussion. I've been thinking about my own online site to start making back some of the money I've spent on tools. I'm sure there's a universe of information that needs to be explored.


Hmmmm....varied and interesting responses to be sure and many of them with merit.

Most if not all the comments previous to this are related to content, design, etc.....and that`s fine.

As someone involved in SEO I`m going confine my remarks and suggest 2 important points I haven`t seen raised yet.

AA) your domain name. Do you think most people are going to type ADAM, KING, STUDIO, (or variants) into Google. What is STUDIO....a day spa, a pottery store, art gallery, etc. It`s a very generic term.

While everyone is emotionally attached to their name and we all get that, think really hard and put yourself objectively into the mindset of someone in your area who is looking for what you offer and doesnt know you exist. Imagine that person sitting at their computer and typing in search words related to what you do or sell. Domains are not expensive. Google is favorable to regional names like or (you change to suit). Your name should be both geographical as well as descriptive. Ask yourself, if I didn`t know anything about ADAM KING STUDIO, what are the chances I`d type those words into a search and find your studio near where I live. If you`re selling widgets in Chicago, get descriptive domains that tell that story. You can reflect your specialty in your domain name too. How about if that`s your passion and product....or More could be said on this point but I`ll leave it there. You get the idea.

BB) excuse the shouting here but....please PUT YOUR PHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESS ON THE HOME PAGE!! I can`t tell you the number of websites I see that relegate how to reach them to the CONTACT US page or ABOUT US page...or bury it somewhere else like on an order page. Some people will re-visit your site only to get your phone number so they can phone you, don`t make it difficult for customers to reach you.

Thats all for now folks.

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