Japanese Chisels set of 10

patrick anderson

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I'm looking to sell these to fund the purchase of another set of nomi.


Set of 10, white steel multiple hollow chisels with gumi (boxwood) handles. I've sharpened and set the hoop on the 12mm but the rest are untouched.


I've asked several of my Japanese friends about the maker of these and the concensus of opinion is that they were made for a tool supplier (ie not branded by the maker) but they are from Miki City. These are obviously not Tasai but then there a  step up from the usual Iyoroi sets stores sell.


I'm asking $450 for the set + shipping. This is much cheaper than buying a set of 10 Hida house brand chisels.


Offers will be considered to a certain point.


emails to guardian256 AT myactv DOT net


I can send larger versions of the pics if needed.








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