Organizing wood stockpile


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Okay, I am in the process of cleaning my shop and have turned to the good ol' stockpile of wood, which was in disarray from having pulled boards out of the middle and just leaving it to lean and collapse as necessary, and started to pull it out to reorganize it. Well, the dilemma is do I organize based on what best fits a solid continuous pile, species of wood, general size, color, thickness, others? I have one bay of shelves around 12' long and 2' wide so I can't have like 30 different piles. So basically, how do all of you store your wood?

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I organize by size, length, and whether it's turning stock or scrap. Then again, I don't have much left. On the porch are the 2x4s and 4x4, in the storage shelves (basic sheet metal) is broken down into turning stock on the second shelf, scrap bins on the bottom shelf, and whatever on the top shelf. (I actually can't see all of it, so I have no clue what's up there.) My 1x2s and molding strips are taped together (still, from moving last year) and hung on six pegs with the one length of PVC i got for dust collection. My plywood.... too many locations to count.

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