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I follow many different podcasts and forums that all want you to use there affiliate links to Amazon, Rockler, etc. How do people decide which affiliate links they use when they make there purchases?

Not trying to make any issues asking this question on a site that has affiliante links. I'm just curious how other people handle this because I haven't found a good way to manage this my self. Most times, I just don't use any affiliate link because I can't decide which one to use which isn't a good way to handle it.


I follow many different podcasts and forums that all want you to use there affiliate links to Amazon, Rockler, etc. How do people decide which affiliate links they use when they make there purchases?

Not trying to make any issues asking this question on a site that has affiliante links. I'm just curious how other people handle this because I haven't found a good way to manage this my self. Most times, I just don't use any affiliate link because I can't decide which one to use which isn't a good way to handle it.

I just use the one that I like best. I am not sure what kind of cut that they cut if you use their link. you could use a rotation too. I would rather give it to someone than no one..


Well, although I have affiliate links myself, I certainly can't use them to make my own purchases. And I do buy quite a bit from places like and Rockler. So what do I do? First off, I make sure I pick SOMEBODY! :) Then I just think about which site does the most for me. Now that may change over time. If I happen to be on a home theater kick, I might just use the HT Guys affiliate links. But if I haven't had much time to read any blogs or watch any podcasts, I'll usually just pick one randomly just to be fair. Although the amounts are very small, its sort of like 'paying" someone for their services. Simply tip the waiter/waitress that is giving you the best service and your conscience should be clear. :)


I just use the one that I like best. I am not sure what kind of cut that they cut if you use their link. you could use a rotation too. I would rather give it to someone than no one..

The cut is typically 6-7% depending on the number of items sold (at is only 5%.


I just think about which site does the most for me.

Then I guess that I will be using your links then. I do believe that this site does, BY FAR, provides the most relevant and useful information.

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