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Ok, not being productive while playing poker and not being productive while sitting on the toilet sucking down migraine meds is two classifications for me. One does not equal the other. You chose to focus on the word productive, missing the fact that he does not seem to enjoy the hangover, making it unproductive. I think your point has been well made and any defensiveness at this point is misunderstanding how people are responding to you.  The same metric you espouse leaves me free to call your pursuits a waste of time without feeling any ill will toward your pursuit of those goals. As a side note, even devoid of the ethic I cling to I would still cling to my priorities for the sake of my kid until they are old enough to carry that weight themself. It robs me of a little of that freedom to choose. 

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Ok, not being productive while playing poker and not being productive while sitting on the toilet sucking down migraine meds is two classifications for me. One does not equal the other. You chose to focus on the word productive, missing the fact that he does not seem to enjoy the hangover, making it unproductive. I think your point has been well made and any defensiveness at this point is misunderstanding how people are responding to you.  The same metric you espouse leaves me free to call your pursuits a waste of time without feeling any ill will toward your pursuit of those goals. As a side note, even devoid of the ethic I cling to I would still cling to my priorities for the sake of my kid until they are old enough to carry that weight themself. It robs me of a little of that freedom to choose. 

There is zero defensiveness in any of my statements. At all. Just so we're on the same page. We're just having a conversation about differing viewpoints. 

I don't mind that he doesn't enjoy the unproductive-ness. That's his thing. My wife is the same way. She looks at Sunday as "lets do all these things and be productive." And I think, "lets relax and try not to move, for tomorrow work returns to ruin my life some more." Sometimes it doesn't mesh well, but we figure it out.  

I genuinely don't care if people think I waste my time, because it's my time to waste. I assure you many people I know, when they found out I was going down this woodworking road were like, "why the hell would you waste your time on that?" It's just perception. And to me anytime there are so many opinions about a subject it just means nobody is right and everyone should be happy and do as they please. Which is, of course, my religious philosophy as well. 

As a point of debate, I think kids are a waste of time. And yet, there are plenty of people that think life is simply not worth living without them. I don't even come close to understanding it. I am saddened that I'm down to about three friends that don't have kids and two want them badly. I will mourn them, for they will be unable to do awesome things and have to dedicate themselves to raising a person. 

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As a point of debate, I think kids are a waste of time. And yet, there are plenty of people that think life is simply not worth living without them. I don't even come close to understanding it. I am saddened that I'm down to about three friends that don't have kids and two want them badly. I will mourn them, for they will be unable to do awesome things and have to dedicate themselves to raising a person. 

This thread has already been entirely derailed, so screw it, let's go wherever it goes.

I felt the same way about kids as you did before we had two of them.  Until you have them you're not in a position to hold that position.  This is coming from someone who held that position and then realized I had no idea what I was talking about.

It would be like you saying you hated cheeseburgers when you have never had a bite of one in your life.  You simply cannot take a position on it because you simply do not know.  Kids are not only NOT a waste of time, they are in fact the ONLY thing that can actually give life any real meaning.  Take it from someone who talked exactly like you talk.  They're only a waste of time when you don't have them.  They completely transform your life and perhaps it's the reason that you see no difference between one activity and another.  I'm not saying you're less of a person for not having kids or that you can't be perfectly happy without them, I'm just saying it's something that gives a person an entirely different perspective on life and completely shifts the way you see almost everything.

And're still able to do awesome things when you have kids.  I get a fairly adequate amount of shop time.  Plus I get all the joys of parenthood, which I can assure you, are many.

They are a total PITA though, I'll concede that. :)

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This thread has already been entirely derailed, so screw it, let's go wherever it goes.

I felt the same way about kids as you did before we had two of them.  Until you have them you're not in a position to hold that position.  This is coming from someone who held that position and then realized I had no idea what I was talking about.

It would be like you saying you hated cheeseburgers when you have never had a bite of one in your life.  You simply cannot take a position on it because you simply do not know.  Kids are not only NOT a waste of time, they are in fact the ONLY thing that can actually give life any real meaning.  Take it from someone who talked exactly like you talk.  They're only a waste of time when you don't have them.  They completely transform your life and perhaps it's the reason that you see no difference between one activity and another.  I'm not saying you're less of a person for not having kids or that you can't be perfectly happy without them, I'm just saying it's something that gives a person an entirely different perspective on life and completely shifts the way you see almost everything.

And're still able to do awesome things when you have kids.  I get a fairly adequate amount of shop time.  Plus I get all the joys of parenthood, which I can assure you, are many.

They are a total PITA though, I'll concede that. :)

Well I read all that you just wrote and can only say.. "that's you sir." I toned down my rhetoric so as not to offend anyone. I HATE kids. And I talk to them like they are adults, which rarely goes over well. "No there is not a dragon pooping on the roof. Are you on an acid trip? Or just mental?" That one didn't go well. Luckily I befriend people who go, "Well that's why you don't let a child talk to Cliff." 

I could easily understand that I would hate cheeseburgers based on the smell and look of it. At least, I could be pretty sure right? The same thing goes for poo. It smells gross, and looks that way too. Do I need to taste it to be sure? I don't think so. I get subjected to tons of kids, because all my friends are having them. Being around them definitely makes me want to leave asap. But it's more than that. It's seeing those people having everything about their entire life, lives that they loved, completely change and now revolve around these kids. 

I had a friend who sorta wanted kids. But he didn't want them now. He moved to Texas, came back up to get his stuff and slept with his ex. It's like a damn TV sitcom after that. I talked to him a few months ago and it's all he can do to keep from going nuts. He goes to work because he doesn't want to be around the kid, but hates his job and can't wait to leave it. He loves the kid, but he doesn't want him at all. He spends all of his time doing his very best to not show this kid that his dad has no interest in him and blames the kid for ruining his life. I'm really glad he's the type of guy that is trying his best to not let this show, but that's very much what I could see happening with me. 

I guess I could concede that the whole point of life is to keep procreate. So in this literal sense, children have meaning. Um, but it's not something I want. I don't feel like that would make me look back and be proud of my life. I'd be like "remember all that money and time I wasted making sure that kid didn't die, what a waste." Luckily my wife is terrified of having kids. We were watching Jessica Jones last night and I think I saw her sneak extra birth control because the sex scene got too real. 

That was a joke, fyi. Just saying, we're on the same page. And I hope I never ever get a chance to find out if you are correct man. 


Oh and I thought it out and realized I used my personal situation as an example, and that may have sounded defensive. I guess what I meant to say was  - Take a person with two degrees, a good paying job, in charge or leading others at work, works 40 hours/week minimum - and in their spare time they do nothing but play video games. Does that classify the person as a loser? That's kind of where I was going with it. Obviously that is me, or was me. 



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Well I read all that you just wrote and can only say.. "that's you sir." I toned down my rhetoric so as not to offend anyone. I HATE kids. And I talk to them like they are adults, which rarely goes over well. "No there is not a dragon pooping on the roof. Are you on an acid trip? Or just mental?" That one didn't go well. Luckily I befriend people who go, "Well that's why you don't let a child talk to Cliff." 

I could easily understand that I would hate cheeseburgers based on the smell and look of it. At least, I could be pretty sure right? The same thing goes for poo. It smells gross, and looks that way too. Do I need to taste it to be sure? I don't think so. I get subjected to tons of kids, because all my friends are having them. Being around them definitely makes me want to leave asap. But it's more than that. It's seeing those people having everything about their entire life, lives that they loved, completely change and now revolve around these kids. 

I had a friend who sorta wanted kids. But he didn't want them now. He moved to Texas, came back up to get his stuff and slept with his ex. It's like a damn TV sitcom after that. I talked to him a few months ago and it's all he can do to keep from going nuts. He goes to work because he doesn't want to be around the kid, but hates his job and can't wait to leave it. He loves the kid, but he doesn't want him at all. He spends all of his time doing his very best to not show this kid that his dad has no interest in him and blames the kid for ruining his life. I'm really glad he's the type of guy that is trying his best to not let this show, but that's very much what I could see happening with me. 

I guess I could concede that the whole point of life is to keep procreate. So in this literal sense, children have meaning. Um, but it's not something I want. I don't feel like that would make me look back and be proud of my life. I'd be like "remember all that money and time I wasted making sure that kid didn't die, what a waste." Luckily my wife is terrified of having kids. We were watching Jessica Jones last night and I think I saw her sneak extra birth control because the sex scene got too real. 

That was a joke, fyi. Just saying, we're on the same page. And I hope I never ever get a chance to find out if you are correct man. 


Oh and I thought it out and realized I used my personal situation as an example, and that may have sounded defensive. I guess what I meant to say was  - Take a person with two degrees, a good paying job, in charge or leading others at work, works 40 hours/week minimum - and in their spare time they do nothing but play video games. Does that classify the person as a loser? That's kind of where I was going with it. Obviously that is me, or was me. 

You hate children and proudly disrespect them and treat them like they are idiots. Ya that would classify as a loser to me. Sorry Cliff, you seem like a nice guy, but the crap you are writing is making it really hard to have any respect for you.

Kinda sad what "men" are turning into these days. Would have a pretty crappy society if all men thought like you. 

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Easy now, easy.  It has to stay respectful or we can't have the discussion.

Cliff...nope.  You can't know if you'd like kids or not until you have your own.  I hate other people's kids too, for the most part.  At least I did before I had my own.  I still don't care for them much but at least now I understand them.  But no, you don't get it until you have your own.  I know it sounds stupid and cliche and all that...I thought all the same things you're saying now.  My wife convinced me that we basically had nothing else to do and since all of our friends were having kids of their own, we might as well, too.  She wore me down and I agreed, begrudgingly.  And it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

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You hate children and proudly disrespect them and treat them like they are idiots. Ya that would classify as a loser to me. Sorry Cliff, you seem like a nice guy, but the crap you are writing is making it really hard to have any respect for you.

Kinda sad what "men" are turning into these days. Would have a pretty crappy society if all men thought like you. 

Well that's ok if you want to think that man. I don't think kids should have free reign to be awful either, and I think their parents are losers for allowing their children to be that way. I think that when a child is 7 years old, talks like he is 2 and tells me there are dragons on the roof has been babied and will probably end up being a loser himself. I don't baby kids. It's that simple. And my "story" was not that literal. I didn't sit him down and say, "listen you just have to go see a therapist because you are clearly a nutbag." But I'm not going to ask him what color the dragon is and what his name is either. 

But I would argue that there is a reason I don't want kids, and whats more, I don't want to interact with them either. We'd have a pretty crappy society if men thought like me and had kids. That's the difference. 

Easy now, easy.  It has to stay respectful or we can't have the discussion.

Cliff...nope.  You can't know if you'd like kids or not until you have your own.  I hate other people's kids too, for the most part.  At least I did before I had my own.  I still don't care for them much but at least now I understand them.  But no, you don't get it until you have your own.  I know it sounds stupid and cliche and all that...I thought all the same things you are saying now.  My wife convinced me that we basically had nothing else to do and since all of our friends were having kids of their own, we might as well, too.  She wore me down and I agreed, begrudgingly.  And it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

I'm glad for you but a heartbeat from vasectomy. :D 

I've always been one to look at a lot of evidence and draw the appropriate conclusions. And as an adult, I understand I may be entirely full of shit. You may be 100% correct in regards to me, or not. Inevitably, I would look at it and say, "hey I got this thing, might as well see if I can't make him the first Ninja-President." I'd want him to be the best kid ever. I'd want him doing calculus by middle school. I'd probably put unrealistic pressure on him. I would obviously fail to understand if he was actually a girl cause I can't imagine having to raise a girl in this society. Just noticed I kept calling my fake kid "he" there. 

I would do everything in my power to make damn sure the kid isn't like all the other kids I hate, of course. But overall I feel like I'd probably end up a crappy parent. I treat my dog pretty well so maybe I'm overreacting. She's basically a kid with fur.

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I have only heard the fear of fun life ending from person's without kids. I have never heard anyone two or three years in complain in that way. As it stands, I am more than halfway to my flock flying away. I have no problem with people who don't want kids. But, fun can be had wherever you choose to find it. Wasn't that the point of a couple of monster posts?

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To get back to why I put this on here..... LOL

My bank reversed two of the three charges but according to Sony reversed one of the charges they shouldn't have so they suspended my account until I corrected it. I conferenced my bank and Sony to correct it. I had to go to Best But and get three $20 cards to correct my account by calling in and giving them the codes. They then said it would be 24 hours until it's active again. 26 hours later it still wasn't active. I got on their chat and asked why. This was Saturday night. I was then told it takes 24 business hours.

I can't say enough how much I hate this company!!!!!!!! I can't wait for tonight to see was reason I get for it still not being activated.

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