Bench Vise Alternatives


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I'm needing a decent workbench for my shop but don't have the time or money for the full blown Roubo. I've got enough plywood and hardwood scraps for the basic bench but I'm looking for cheap bench vise alternatives. I do have two benchtop vises that could be mounted under the top so the back plate is flush with the front of the benchtop. Should I settle with that or does anyone have any alternative ideas, wooden otherwise? Thanks, just joined the site and am enjoying the overwhelming amount of info on the forum. Alex

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Hi, welcome to the forum.

Do you do hand tool work? I find that for power tool work, I can generally work something out with clamps so I don't need a vise.

If you get a Workmate, it will function as a vise for now, and even after you get a real workbench with a vise, the Workmate is useful to have around for working outside the shop or for a temporary extra work surface. But for hand planing, this isn't going to cut it, even if you weight it down.

If you make your temporary bench with a leg flush with the front apron, then I guess you could clamp a 2x6 to the front of the leg. Put a spacer on the bottom, and a clamp in the middle, and Voila! instant leg vise.

If you want something a little more finished, you can build the roubo leg vise but screw and nut.

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How much do you have or are willing to spend? There's quite a range of bench vises in terms of quality and price. I would not recommend the uber-cheap ones, the savings are not worth the hassles, but you don't necessarily need a $100+ vise either.

Addition: you might also look at John White's New Fangled Wookbench to get some ideas on alternmative ways to clamp and secure stock to a bench. It's a very versatile bench design that doesn't break the bank. Here's a link to the video -

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the replys!

Beechwood Chip,

So far I've only worked with power tools but I'm looking to get more into hand tools. I just signed up for a "Hand Tools 101" class followed by a "Hand Cut Dovetail" class so I'll get a better feel for what I need there I'm sure. Right now I have an old metal shop cabinet topped with two sheets of birch plywood as my bench. It's also my outfeed table which becomes a pain. This is totally unnessecary considering I'm lucky enough to have plenty of room for multiple benches/assembly tables. I just have a hard time working on the shop instead of the projects I need to do. I just completed a massive bar for a bowling alley owned by a family member. I learned many lessons along the way, one of which is that I need a bench that gives me more versatile clamping options. I like the Workmate suggestion; inexpensive and I'm sure I can put it to good use now and later. I like your leg vise idea too, I'll probably use that. I'm trying to go as inexpensive as possible; got too many bills to pay and diapers to buy. Who knows when I'll get around to building this bench, my day job and family keep me pretty busy. Thanks for your help.


I've heard about the "New Fangled Workbench" but hadn't seen it yet. That's pretty cool! Tons of options and it doesn't look hard or expensive to build. Thanks for the link.


I hadn't seen that Veritas inset yet, sweet! I have some future projects that involve small pieces, that would be perfect.


That's more of what I had in mind price wise. I've read some bad reviews on vises in that price range, though. However, I'm willing to take a chance on names like Lee Valley and Grizzley.

Thanks again for all your help, so many options! My mind will change several times before I do the build, I'm sure. I'll post pics whenever I get it done. Sorry it took so long to reply, there just aren't enough hours in the day.


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