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Most of the time, I'm a power tool guy, but I try to use the appropriate tool. Tonight, I had to taper a 3/4 x 3/4"x6' piece down to about 3/8" at one end. This wasn't something I was going to do with power tools, though I was tempted to use a belt sander. I used a small plane instead. A few minutes later, I had a pile of wood curls and the piece fit perfectly. It was a very pleasant (and quiet) experience.

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I use power tools to get things done but I have to be honest... I like hand tools a little more. I work with computers and networks all day and its nice to build something tangible with my hands using simple tools, things that don't require a cable of any sort and is QUIET. Definitely more satisfying even though more labor is required. Sure I can shove a guitar blank through the planer, and often do, but its more gratifying to use a hand plane.

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Ditto. But I have learned that using hand tools can make even the milling grunt work with power tools go better. I find that if I use a plane to knock down the high spots on a board, not only does face jointing on a powered jointer go better, but I lose less wood than if I rely on the powered jointer to do the entire job.

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