v10 Plans: What Changed?


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We haven't posted that information anywhere, so thanks for asking.

First thing to note is that the V10 plans are what I'd consider the "Final" version. I've been struggling to keep up with Marc's build, but the V10 plans finally contain all the views and details you'll need to build the bench, in one place. The actual model hasn't changed for many versions (with a couple exceptions listed below) but some of the details you needed were missing, or spread out across multiple documents. There may be some details that we change as Marc goes along to make the plans match the videos better, but there shouldn't be any new pages added. If there are any revisions to the plans in the future (V11??), then any changes will be noted in red text.

Here is the list of new content in the V10 plans compared to V9. There are a bunch of new pages - we were 20 pages in V9, and now we have 31 pages in V10.

- Page added showing a left-hand version of the bench

- Included the Benchcrafted Tail Vise template in the PDF version.

- Cleaned up the page for the Legs (J) to make the dimensions reflect the build process.

- Added a page for the Left Front Leg, showing the leg vise mortises, etc.

- Added a page for the Parallel Guide (T)

- Added a scaled template for the end of the Parallel Guide.

- Added a page for the Roller Bracket (U), which is also a template for locating the mounting holes in the leg.

- Cleaned up the page for the Long Rails (M) to make the dimensions reflect the build process.

- Added a page for the Sliding Deadman ®.

- Added a page for the Deadman Runner (Q).

- Added a page for the Shelf Ledgers (N&O).

- Added a page for the Shelf Boards (P).

- Added a page for the Dogs (X).

As for actual changes to the construction, there were very few.

- Changed the depth of the counterbore for the vise screws on the endcap and leg vise chop to 5/32" to match Marc's actual build. They were previously listed at 3/16", which is fine if you built this way.

- Changed the mortise in the bottom of the leg vise chop - for the parallel guide. It is now an open mortise that goes all the way to the bottom of the chop, which is easier to build.

- Changed the Sliding Deadman ® slightly to eliminate some 1/16th's in the dimensions. Also modified the dog hole layout so that the two columns of holes are evenly offset and centered on the deadman.

Hope that helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the v10 plans I see that there are the nut holes in the front slab for option 1, but not for option 2 or 3 (see attached). I'm guessing this was a matter of convenience in terms of Sketchup and the holes should be straight forward, but I want to be sure there's not some subtle bit of joinery magic I'm not seeing.


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