Rounding a tapered edge?


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Hey all,

I'm still very much a noob to SketchUp. I'm currently working on a hall table design. My question is how to effectively round a tapered edge. When I've tried, it creates a mess. Here's the piece I'm trying to get it to work on. The side panels are tapered from 1 1/4" to 5/8".




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Do you mean that you want the radius of the roundover to change along the length of the leg (from 5/16" at the top to 5/8" at the bottom)? If so, I'll stick my neck out and say that it would be near impossible to do that with SketchUp.

On the other hand, if you just want to do, say, a 1/4" roundover on both corners, then look at the "Follow Me" tool. That would leave a flat spot between the roundovers on the edges of the legs, and the flat spot would get wider as you got closer to the bottom of the legs.

-- Russ

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Thanks Russ...yes..a full bull nose that goes from 1 1/4" to 5/8" at the top of the panel. For the purpose of the drawing, I guess I could just do a simple round over on each edge. I was hoping I could figure out a solution for exactly what I plan to do.

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