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Oh GAWD! Honey Bunny came in the room as I was watching the tool advert and I lost a DAY's worth of brownie points.

Way to go Chip. :angry:

<----- Hah! :D

That will cost you a pair of shoes, at least. Fortunately, it happened around 5 pm so you only are in the dog house for maybe 7 hours.

With respect for your avatar and username, I have to ask... did you?


That will cost you a pair of shoes, at least.

I've bought more than my fair share of shoes - and jewelry. You know you are really in the dog house when you have to go with them to the shoe store.

iSawitFirst - nice avitar

BTW - Best Way just called they said they are making a delivery of tools. I don't remember ordering any tools, must be that masonry drill i saw demo'd the other day. :unsure:


I just find it interesting that certain places it is normal to see risque pictures. Why are there no umbrella girls at Woodworking in America, would Woodcraft get more customers if they had a tablesaw blade wash?

I'm hoping to be one of the folks staffing the Woodcraft booth at Woodworking in America since it's here on our home turf. If I do end up in the booth I'll wear my very best cleavage-revealing green Woodcraft shirt. Ok, so it's man-boob cleavage, but I don't have much else to work with here.


If I do end up in the booth I'll wear my very best cleavage-revealing green Woodcraft shirt.

that really doesn't go with the orange short shorts...I think i'll hold out for the Hooter's girls.


That was fuuny Marc you guy are right about the younger age in almost 17 and I'll be the first to say this a cute girl or two with a low cut shirt would be nice every now and then but I think in a whole people look for quality and visuals on the product more than the advertisers. The new forum is great.


OK this is probably the ONLY time I will post something like this, simply because this video cracks me up every time I watch it.

I am not even posting a link to it because I don't want any accidental clicks from folks who don't want to see this stuff.

Go to Youtube and search for "satisfaction power tools". After you watch it 20 or 30 times, come back and tell me if you noticed that there were power tools in the video. WARNING: Not appropriate for work or for people with heart conditions. :)

Not sure what you are talking about... But I have this irresistible urge to go outside and bust up an old concrete patio...


You know, thinking about it, we don't see sexy models promoting tools and so forth because of obvious branding, but more importantly, ALOT of wives do indeed shop for tools for their man. At least getting them gift certificates. So maybe that's part of it.

Being a single guy, I'm all for a revolution in woodworking long as it doesn't get the rest of you in trouble with the Mrs.

Ooooh, that video makes me feel funny, like climbing the rope in gym class.


Ooooh, that video makes me feel funny, like climbing the rope in gym class.

That actually made me LOL.. but that still doesn't make it right. Eeeewww....

  • 2 weeks later...

Woodworking tool advertisers know that if you dress up a tool ad with some sexy babe then they won't be taken serious. Why would they feel like they need to unless it wasn't a serious tool to begin with. They know that if they did a poll of single, male woodworkers they might find posters of "Ms. Black and Decker" hanging in their shops but the shelves typically would be lined with Bosch, Festool, etc. because it's still all about the tool.

Allen, rock the moobs, brother.

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