pick a hand.. any hand..


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so i'm a pretty new woodworker but i'm really new to handtools and i've run into an unexpected problem.

i can't decide which hand to use :P

i wouldn't describe myself as ambidextrous. more like, confused..

i can't often do something as well with one hand as the other but i do some things left handed and others right. with planing at least, i seem to prefer right handed (although, i'm actually not bad left handed either) but sawing is giving me fits..

i started sawing with smaller joinery type saws (dozuki, ryoba, 26" bowsaw) and after chasing many lines down the face of practice boards, i said to myself, 'ha! clearly sawing nirvana is to be found by pulling the saw with the left hand!' and all was right in the world..

then tonight, my new 39" bowsaw is delivered and i can't get it to cut well. the blade (the same as on my 26") is designed to cut on the pull stroke so i play with different clamping techniques, adjust my stance a little, nothing helps. then bam!

i flip that sucker around and PUSH it with my RIGHT hand. it feels like i'd been doing it that way my whole life. i chewed through all the scrap i could find in minutes. this saw really eats up wood compared to the others i've used so far. surprisingly effortless and LOTS of fun ;)

the joy of finally experiencing good quality, sharp saws is tempered just a little by my confusion over handedness, so my questions to all of you are these..

can you think of any reason to prefer one hand over the other? or might it be worthwhile to cultivate the skill with both hands so i can always keep the pencil line between myself and the blade?

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I say whatever works. If you can use both hands, great. I am right handed but can plane well left or right handed, either pushing and pulling. It helps a lot for those long planing sessions. I've also taught myself to saw with both hands. For dovetails, I sometimes make the / cuts with my right hand and the \ cuts with my left. It feels natural.

I will be thoroughly impressed if you can saw simultaneously using both hands. You might be able to beat Tage Frid in a dovetailing race!

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i can't decide which hand to use :P


can you think of any reason to prefer one hand over the other? or might it be worthwhile to cultivate the skill with both hands so i can always keep the pencil line between myself and the blade?

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. As a 'mancino' myself, there are some tools which can be awkward to use. Even a pen can be tricky for some.

I am personally coming to the conclusion that whatever the tool, if you use it in what feels to be a nature way, you're probably using it correctly, even if that might be considered unorthodox. Like pulling a Bailey plane, if it works for you, and gets the results, then that's fine by me.

Lefties are more intelligent and better looking. ;)

... and modest. I suppose that really goes without saying.


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I think as the others have said, whatever works for you. The only reason I can think of to use one hand over the other in certain situations is when there are space issues or just awkward angles. For example, chiseling out an inside right corner may be easier to get the angle if the chisel is in your right hand or something like that...

Unfortunately usually when I come across those type scenarios and I have to lead with my left, I can never seem to get the control I want (I'm a righty) and tend to mess up whatever I'm trying to do.

If you can use both hands well, that's a good thing.


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"can you think of any reason to prefer one hand over the other?"-yep, because if I use my left hand I would drop my saw on my foot or worse a chisel through my foot!! Not too many things that I can do well with my left hand.

I would also agree, whichever feels right. Maybe try cutting something like 20 practice lines with left and then your right immediately following and study the results. Just a thought.


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