Scout Spirit


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I just got back from a weekend Boy Scout trip to a local Council event.

Yes I'm exhausted :)

One of the events was a trebuchet competition, with scoring based on design/originality, distance, accuracy, and optional points for "Scout spirit" . Our Troop had a trebuchet built by some of them; it was less than 3' tall, and tiny compared to the 6'-8' monsters some of the other teams had. Some of the others were impressive, both in design and construction, and also in performance.

Our Scouts won.

The judges took note of the team spirit; the fact that it was the only all-Scout crew (no adults); clearly was an all-Scout project; and the spirited confident yet self-deprecating "announcement" before every shot. Oh and the firing rate was about double the more finicky giants. I give kudos to the other teams all around, they were great too; but it's good to see what happens when Scouts really "up" their game in the Spirit department :)

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I had a lot of fun when I was a Scout. Our troop was good about having us do as much as we possibly could with just adult supervision. Those little trebuchet's are awesome. One of the guys in my shop built one and we had a blast chunking persimmons down the parking lot.

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I was trying to interest the Troop in a camping trip to do something similar.  Nobody was interested until I brought in the flag staff poles from the other room, and the boys made a simple one that rested between two tables.  Then they couldn't wait.


It kind of died, though, when the only campsite the other leaders arranged for was covered in poison ivy.


Glad to hear you found the time and the spirit to do this!  Always was on my list to get done.  (And you've got a crowd waiting for those photos... maybe you could even get the Scouts to do a video of the process?)

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