Night Stands


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You ever been looking for a piece of furniture because you really don't want to build it, but when you come across the the design you like you almost faint at the price. Well that's exactly what happened to my brother and his wife when they were looking for night stands. They found the ones they wanted at crate and barrel and each one would have cost them $500 each. So whats my brother do? He calls me up and says hey want to make some night stands. So he sent me the link so i knew what we were building. I drew up the plans and bam off to the races we were. Here are some photos of them Let me know what you think.

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Pay yourself a decent wage and see if you can make one for $500. Bet you can't!

-- Russ

No, of course not. Not handmade, heirloom quality furniture out of a small hobbyist or pro shop. I'm just amazed that C&B can get people to pay $500 for those tables when they're made the semi-garbage, mass-produced way.

On a side note, though, I bet I could pay myself a decent wage if I made ten of them for $5,000. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Those are awesome.

I'm actually going to show them to my wife.

She's been on my to make new bedroom furniture. We've gone 3 years without any... that's right just a king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

Actually its getting embarrasing. I have a huge shop with thousands upon thousands of dollars in tools and not a single stick of bedroom furniture. She loves modern and "Sorry, Marc" she hates Greene and Greene... "Oh the humanity"

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