Is Woodworking an Independent Hobby?

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I was wondering what others think about this. How do you feel about woodworking with others? For me, it's relaxing to turn on some AM radio, go into the garage, and build something all by myself. I've never worked on a project with somebody else, but I would think it would take away from some of the relaxation time.

So, what do you think? Would you rather work on a project by yourself, or work on a project with somebody else?

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I have friend I get together with, to do woodworking stuff. it's enjoyable sharing ideas, techniques and different approaches to problems. I also like my alone time. It's a time where I can put on some nice music and work at my own pace. I also enjoy taking classes. You are exposed to a wide verity of skills and knowledge. So it's a mix for me, but most of my time is alone in the shop.


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Only had one friend ever come over and work on a project together. Wasn't really fine woodworking... we were making a custom tire jack for his race car. It was definitely an on-the-fly design. That was enjoyable because he had worked in a woodworking shop long long ago so he knows not to 'help' by pulling the stock on the outfeed side of the table saw. My other friends, though, are too ADD to be allowed in there with anything but lights powered up.

Normally I work alone in the shop and I like that. Sometimes I work with a friend over video Skype when he's in his shop, too. That's actually quite fun as you get to peer into another shop as you work and watch each other's progress.

Since I have a garage shop and work with the door open, too many times neighbors think the door is open because I want them to visit with their engaging conversation, neither of which is true. blink.gif

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I've got mixed views on this. I love the solitude of getting out in the shop and doing stuff on my own, I get a lot of my 'battery recharging' done this way.

But, having said that, a lot of my shop time is spent with someone else in the shop with me. I have a friend who comes by and does woodworking, which is great for the company, brainstorming on problems and of course the extra hands when cutting sheet goods and milling lumber.

The other time that I get probably the most enjoyment is when my 10 year old daughter comes out. Not only do I benefit from her penchant for cleaning things up, she is now showing a lot of interest in building something which takes our relationship to a whole new level. And of course, she is by far the best company I can ask for.

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It's great to hear what others say. It sounds like some people like it and others don't. I can understand it can be a positive thing, especially if you're in a class or somebody is showing you how to do something. We all don't know everything, and it is helpful to pickup tips or advice.

On the other hand, there's a lot of times where I'd rather be alone with my wood. :D It's kind of like having 'me' time, allowing 'me' to do whatever, and make and learn from my mistakes.

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It depends on the project. If it is a challenging or skill building project, I am going to want to work on my own. If it is something simple, especially if its for one of the kids, I sometimes like having my son out with me so we can work on it together.

I love working in the summer months as I can keep the garage door open while working. Since the garage faces a limited traffic (foot or otherwise) side street, visitors are not very common while working. It is great when someone does stop by because there is the opportunity to share experiences, give and get advice, and to sometimes shoot the bull. I think that is why there is a fairly good sized group of us in the chat room who put our webcams up while working.

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I used to like to have my garage door open too, but I had to stop. There was this time, I had one of those door-to-door salesmen come by. I was working with my router, and he was waving his arms trying to get my attention. That guy got such an ear full from me, and he still tried to sell me something! Now I only open the door a a foot or two, when I need some fresh air. Even with that, I've had "salesmen" try to stick their head under the door!


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I generally don't like working with others as much, because I tend to be very opinionated about small details that don't matter so I spend more time watching, correcting, or fixing other people that it is a help. That said, if I'm not doing anything serious, I enjoy the company. What I'd really prefer would be to have someone else working in the same shop on completely separate projects.

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I am a teacher and spend my days teaching kids (11 to 19) woodwork (I teach Design Technology in the UK, so its drawing, electronics, woodwork etc..). So it is nice to get home and spend some quiet time by myself in my workshop at home. I can listen to music of my choice and play it as loud as I want. I find that if I am working for a long time I will listen to Audio books so I don't feel guilty about enjoying my woodworking and not enjoying my other passion of reading!

Occasionally I do get some friends come and work with me. It is good to spend time with them making different things. I do often find myself spending all of the time cleaning up after them and putting tools away (never mind muttering about the use of all of my screws / wood etc). In general it does make a nice change to have some company though.

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Two things I don't do with another person: Cook and Woodworking. I'll help Sylvia in the kitchen if it's her gig, and I don't mind if she does prep work. But, once it's time for fire, get outta my way. As far as the shop, I really don't like having anyone in here "helping" me. I have one friend I allow to use the equipment, but that's it. I only allow him, because he helped build the shop and I know he'd never sue me, no matter the situation.

I would, however, love to collaborate on with another artist at some point. My sister in law is a phenomenal glass artist and I'd love to co-design something with her.

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I am to critical of people if they are not in my shop I dont seem to have the OCD thing going on but the last time someone came over to

I had such a stress headache by the time they left that it will never and I mean NEVER happen again.

It seemed in my mind that everything they touched they treated it like it was a rental car for lack of a better explanation.

A few examples banging tools down on the bench instead of putting it down, just kicking scraps out of the way instead of bending down and picking them up, taking stuff off pegs or out of draws then just plopping it down only 8 inches away from where they got it instead of putting it back where they got it, constantly seemed to have the tool or item I needed in their hand every time I needed it so had to keep asking to hand it to me (which I know sounds petty but its annoying lol)

anyway the list goes on but yeah I 100% would rather spend my time in the shop alone.

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I like working by myself. It's relaxing. I wouldn't mind working with the people in this forum. I could learn a lot. We all work together with Marc on the builds. Of course we can always turn him off if we have too :D Just kidding. I think the skype idea is great. That might be an up and coming thing. We might all work with someone from the forum some day. That would be a good project.

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Like a lot of people I like to work alone on most of my stuff. However, sometimes its nice to have my wife's help with something. She has good ideas and watching her work is strangely sexy. Possibly an over-share, possibly an odd turn on, but what can I say?

Well, Skype that and we'll let you know :)

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i like working by myself so that i can listen to what i want on the stero, and everyone does things a little different. i'm in a habit of doing things my way and would find it hard to adjust to someone doing things a little different. i enjoy watching other people doing things since it is always doing things in a somewhat different fashion. this gives me a chance to think about there methods and decide if i want to do that myself, but i don't want this to happen in the middle of a project i'm working on.

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In general woodworking is an independent hobby in that most shops are one person shops and aren't designed for more than one. For myself woodworking is an independent hobby as it is my sanctuary away from the stress of everyday life situations. I do have shop visitors that are welcome into the shop. So when I have visitors my work seizes until my visitors have left. I have had a couple of joint projects that my role becomes an advisory and teaching role. I do enjoy bringing kids into the shop and teaching them to do woodworking. There are times I would enjoy having someone to work with in the shop, but because I'm an independent type worker it wouldn't work out for me.

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It's not that woodworking is an independent activity. I have been distracted at inopportune moments while woodworking by visitors to the shop. Nowhere near as bad as salesmen, but just as potentially dangerous. The side benefit is that I tend to use more hand tools than power tools, for several reasons, so I'm more able to stop on short notice than others.

while I have wished for a shop assistant, or a buddy who can help move some things around, I have found that they can get in the way when I'm trying to do some aspect of the project I'm working on. Having a shop large enough for two people to work in is a dream, and having enough tools to fill that is a fantasy. (maybe i have that backwards?)

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Well, Skype that and we'll let you know :)

No way, I think she'd kill me if she even thought I was putting her in the Critique Room, so to speak. I am blessed with a beautiful wife but she is not above violence. I out-weigh her 2 to 1, but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of her wrath. Remember, I believe it was Rudyard Kipling who said: "The female of the species is more deadly than the male."

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