I'd like some clarification please...


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I may be alone in this, but I doubt it...

There have been a few posts and threads deleted recently. Some without breaking any of the rules I can find. Some are on the border of these rules, but reasonably away from the edge.

If nothing else, we should have the title of the thread left intact, and a reason it was locked. I'm sure the mods have to write something about removing threads anyway... It would remove any need for clarification on our end.

I can understand if a thread with some bad language was cleaned up, or if the thread can not be cleaned, then deleted... However, I have only seen one of those threads since being here.. and it was actually a post, and really wasn't horrible. It was, well... simple... (yeah, you remember the one)

The easiest way to do this would be to have a list of words that we are not allowed to use. Words such as cop seem to be offending someone here, so a list would be helpful.

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I have not noticed this but I doubt you are making things up.

I do on occasion delete my own posts if I think, in hindsight, they are poorly worded or don't add to the discussion.   

Anytime I have broken the rules the mods have reached out and told me why.  I called someone a "richard" one time and was warned to not do that anymore.    

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Mel, I totally agree. I had one locked last night. There was a chance it could have become a rant, but I didn't post it for that intention and it got no where close. It even received a couple of likes after it was locked, and received close to a hundred views. Then this morning I see that it was completely removed. And there was no profanity, nor mention of politics or religion in it. I realize this isn't my forum and I can go elsewhere if I like, but I don't care too.

The very first subject under Off Topics is Marc's, qualifying what is acceptable, and I feel like mine fit those guide lines. If I over stepped and offended someone, then I apologize for doing so but do not apologize for the subject matter posted.



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More often than not, I think, a thread disappears because the author deletes it.  This happens quite often, and I don't really understand people's inclination to do that, but it happens.  We can pull deleted threads out of the archives if it's something people really want to continue talking about, but the OP deleted it for a reason and I suppose we should respect that regardless of why it was deleted.

You can believe me when I say that none of the mods enjoy policing threads and deleting posts and topics.  It's not my idea of a good time and no one wants to censor anyone.  But there are two rules on the forum that are to be followed: no jerks, and no political or religious posts.  And while Coop's thread last night was not explicitly political, it was politically charged and there was not a single comment that could be made in reply without heading into political territory.

Just for the record, I did not lock or delete that thread, but I completely understand why that action was taken.  I think the vast majority of the regular members here are friendly and reasonable people who could probably have a discussion about any subject under the sun without getting too nasty about it...except politics and religion.  There's just something about those two topics that brings out the worst in people, and can drive a wedge between even the oldest and best of friends.  There's something written in the human DNA that simply does not allow rational conversation on those topics.

There are plenty of places on the internet you can visit if you feel the need to express yourself politically.  I personally find that a monumental waste of time, but to each his own.

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It surprises me deleting threads (by the members) are allowed. It is something I very rarely see and has seen during the more than 15 years I've been participating in forums. But I understand why political and religious discussions are not allowed. I've seen far too many discussions (even been a admin on a couple of political forums) regarding politics and religion ruin great discussions.

I have a pretty easy rule about life in general: People are idiots. Including myself.


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I like the off-topic section precisely because it stays away from politics and religion.  It is a nice way to build a community and keep things civil and troll-free.  Please keep it and keep it moderated.  

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I've noticed a few things in the archives which are disjointed, or I come across comments which seem non sequitur (like Chef references), but in no case have I seen this effect the actual woodworking content. It shows up in the banter and camaraderie not in the Wood Talk. 

Kudos to the Mod Squad.

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I've noticed a few things in the archives which are disjointed, or I come across comments which seem non sequitur (like Chef references), but in no case have I seen this effect the actual woodworking content. It shows up in the banter and camaraderie not in the Wood Talk. 

Kudos to the Mod Squad.

I never realized Eric had an afro, or that he was Laurence Fishburne



Edited by Tom Cancelleri
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Because I'm the baddest of bad mofos and I got a sweet fro.  But you can be Pete and I guess that means Kev is Julie.  Marc, obviously, the Captain.  Sorry Kev.  You're flexible.

If I knew the Mod Squad better I'd use some clever catchphrase here to put a bow on it.  But I think I've seen about ten minutes of that show in my entire life.

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